Ignite the fight against antimicrobial resistance in our community

Explore Firstline

Get ready to protect our community

Firstline is free to all clinical practitioners across all care settings. You can get started today in less than 60 seconds:
  1. Download Firstline on mobile or access the web
  2. Click "Select location" and choose
    Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
  3. Instantly access local, tailored guidance to optimize patient outcomes
Mobile Web version
"We strive to provide excellent and consistent clinical care for our patients no matter which setting they’re seen in. The Firstline app allows clinicians to have easy access to our local clinical pathway guidelines and promotes best practices in antimicrobial prescribing across all settings."

With you, we win!

As a prescriber of antibiotics, your decisions have a profound effect on the people we love and care for. You have the power to improve patient outcomes, protect antimicrobials, and curb the spread of drug-resistant infections by leveraging local, evidence-based guidance.

Delivering a stronger dose of stewardship

The Vanderbilt Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Program is sparking a culture of stewardship that safeguards health now and for generations to come. With Firstline, we are one step closer to:

  • Increasing guideline-concordant antibiotic choices
  • Optimizing antibiotic treatment durations
  • Decreasing antibiotic use in viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI) encounters
  • Ensuring patients are up-to-date on vaccines for their age

Leaders like you make big things happen

Your voice is powerful. We are looking for antimicrobial ambassadors from all clinical professions to help expand the use of our local ID guidance and motivate peers to take action on AMR.

If this is you, please contact the antimicrobial stewardship team.

Antimicrobial Ambassadors

A smarter way to take action with Firstline

Firstline delivers local infections disease guidance and antimicrobial prescribing information at your fingertips. This includes real-time notifications for drug shortages and updated guidance, helping you to optimize treatments immediately at the point of care.

VUMC Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Program

Explore our stewardship program's research, newsletters, and other useful resources.

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)

Browse our Children’s Hospital's full collection of CPGs to achieve the highest quality, consistency, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in patient care.

Infection Prevention Resources

Access evidence-based, scientific, and proven infection prevention resources from VUMC's Department of Infection Prevention.

Copyright ©2024 Spectrum Mobile Health Inc, dba Firstline Clinical. All rights reserved.